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We are delighted to be able to offer children the opportunity to join a variety of clubs whilst they attend our school. Most clubs are free and take place before and after school and during lunch time. Due to the high demand for clubs, children generally take turns at different clubs during the school year.

The range of clubs we currently offer are:   choir, tennis, football, gymnastic and multi-sports.

If you would like any further advice on the extra curricular clubs at Coteford Infant School please contact the school office:

Tel: 01895 462395

Email: office@cotefordinfantschool.co.uk


We have some popular after school clubs run by an external coach from The Elms. The sports coach teaches the children a range of different sports during the hour lesson. 

Football on Tuesdays for year 1 and year 2

Gymnastics on Wednesdays for reception and year 1

Multisports on Thursday for year 2. 

If you would like any further information please contact the school office. 


Choir is run on a Friday after school and led by our nursery manager Ms Myzer. Choir is open to children from reception, year 1 and year 2. 

If you would like any further information please contact the school office.


Gardening club is on a Monday after school by Ms Samson and Miss Ryder. Year groups alternate each term. If you would like any further information please contact the school office. Gardening club is due to start a little later in the academic year. 




Tennis is a fully inclusive lunch time club for Year 1 and Year 2 children.

It is taught by Matchpro tennis/GS4  coaches, who teach the children the basic skills of tennis in a fun and structured way. 

If you require any further information on Match Pro Tennis please contact the office or click on the image below



Lunch time board game club is run every Tuesday lunchtime by a parent volunteer. The children get to learn new board games and play with their friends.

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