Coteford nursery offers part-time places where children can attend for 15 hours. Parents will be given an opportunity to express a preference for a morning or afternoon place. The Headteacher will make decisions based on information submitted by parents. We have a number of 30-hour nursery places available for eligible families. To check eligibility please go to visit These places are at the discretion of the head teacher and are a first come first serve basis. There is a small top fee of £8 a day for all 30-hour places so that the nursery school day is in line with the rest of the school.
Places will be offered to children who are 3 years and older. Offers will be made in April/May for children due to start in the reception class in the following September. When places are still available they will be offered in October/November for a January intake.
We work closely with pre-school settings, Coteford Children’s Centre and 4 Street nursery to ensure smooth transitions when children join our nursery and reception classes.