Mathematics Intent Statement
At Coteford Infant School we believe that maths should be fun. Children should start learning practically before moving on to abstract skills. They need to talk about their learning and apply their skills in a range of contexts and across the curriculum. We believe that children should be encourage to learn from mistakes so that they develop resilience and become confident mathematicians.
Teachers carefully plan, using the National Curriculum and EYFS, to challenge all children so that they have the opportunity to master skills. The children will be supported by the pre-teaching or over-teaching of skills on the same day that lessons are taught. All children are expected to become critical thinkers and problem solvers at their own level. We are a maths mastery school who use The White Rose Hub to support children's critical thinking.
We try to bring the maths curriculum to life by planning memorable experiences, taking learning outside, making learning active and developing teamwork. Where possible teachers explain links between maths learning in school and real-life maths.
We use lots of practical equipment, including; Numicom, Diennes, measuring equipment, number fans, 100 squares, number lines, dice, games, counters, money, shapes etc.
All the children in KS1 enjoy using Doodle Maths a maths/IT programme we subscribe to, which can be used at home and at school to develop arithmetic and set home learning.